Seals out residue - Sealed housings and bearings keep the internal workings cleaner and drier. Premium materials - Copper and silver contacts instead of cheaper aluminum or steel ones. Long-term reliability - Quality brushes and bushings for a long service life and better efficiency. Brand new starter - Never settle for a secondhand refurbished one. Yes, you have a full year to make sure your starter meets your expectations.
B0001369005, BSR901X, IMI25208-002, IS0534, IS0569, IS0793, IS1059, MS264, MS312, MS430, MS89, SBO0201, SRA0002. 0-001-358-041, 0-001-359-016, 0-001-359-090, 0-001-367-037, 0-001-367-075, 0-001-367-078, 0-001-369-001, 0-001-369-005, 0-001-369-022. AL110503, AL110504, AL110597, AL39700, AL62772, AL78760, AR70436, AT23401, SE501411, SE501412, TY25650, TY25951, TY25974, TY6615, TY6720, TY6726, TY6780. IS 0534, IS 0569, IS 0793, IS 1059. 11.130.534, 11.130.569, 11.130.762, 11.130.819.
120-497, 120-497A, 120-498, 120-500, 120-500A, 120-500B, 182-194, 182-240, 182-333. 91-15-6872, 91-15-7147, 91-23-6503, 91-23-6507, 91-23-6549. Condition and free from damage of any type, including, but not limited to dents, scratches, cracks, abuse, defacement or indication of removed screws/fasteners or seals. DB Electrical shall not be held liable for packages lost in transit.
The customer may use this label to return the item to DB Electrical free of charge. After the item is received by DB Electrical for processing, DB Electrical will send out a replacement unit. If you have a problem, we will take every step to assist you. Starter For John Deere Utility Tractor 4110 Yanmar 18.5 S114-235A S114-235B.
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